Friday, April 22, 2011

Earth Day

Happy Earth Day, Spin ID Alert Service Members and Friends!

This Earth Day, we're keeping a count of all the things the Spin ID Alert Service Staff, Members, and Friends have Reused and Recycled!  Keep count with us by adding a Comment below this post.

So far, our Staff have Reused 6 things and Recycled 7 things - that's 12 things that won't be going to landfills!

You can also keep count with us on Facebook - go to the Spin ID Alert Service page and add your count!

Have a great Earth Day :)

Another staff member just texted me to let me know he has Reused 3 things today and Recycled 5 things, bringing our staff total up to 9 things Reused and 12 things Recycled - a total of 21 items not headed for landfills!  Way to go, Spin ID Alert Service Staff Members!

Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Saving Our Members Money!

Here at the Spin ID Alert Service, we are always on the lookout for ways to save our members money.  To that end, we have two Savings pages that we think you should check out - one is on our website, Link Here:, and one is here on Blogger, at  Let us help you save!  Be sure to check back frequently so that you can view our updated lists of links to great websites and our posts of suggestions on the blog.  We're finding all the ways we can to help you save as much as possible!

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

W.O.F. News and Updates

At the Spin ID Alert Service, we provide you with notification if your Spin ID wins, but we also offer you daily Spin ID and Prize Puzzle updates on our website,  With the creation of this blog and our Members Only blog on our website, we want to offer you even more - news and updates on the Spin ID Alert Service happenings and also on Wheel of Fortune happenings.  We know you are devoted Wheel Watchers, and we want to reward you by blogging about the fun things we've found on and on the official Wheel Watchers Club website.  This way, you can try out the fun, too!

Daily Giveaways
On the Wheel Watchers website, you can spin the wheel with your points to try to win the daily giveaway.  Today, I tried and lost, but I'll be back tomorrow!  The giveaway for today is a 3D Blu-Ray Disc Player.  Sony gives away three daily prizes per day.

Flashback Moments
See clips of Pat and Vanna from way back when!  Then answer the Flashback Question and earn points if you answer it correctly.  (And, yes, I got it right today!)

Going Green
This week, Wheel of Fortune is going green!  Visit the W.O.F. site to view the green set and read about contestants' green adventures.
Also visit, the Spin ID Alert Service's Saving You Money blog, to read about how going green can save you "green"!  Check back in with us at the Saving You Money blog for more tips on how to save money.  You can also Become a Member of the Spin ID Alert Service to have access to regularly updated money-saving tips on the website!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Your Spin ID

To find out if Your Spin ID has ever won, you can either visit the Spin ID Alert Service website and click on the Winning Spin IDs link, or you can Click Here and we'll take you right to the page!

To become a Member of the Spin ID Alert Service so we can call you when you win, Click This Link and we'll get you a login.  But make sure you have an official Spin ID from first!

If you need help signing up for an official Spin ID, Contact Us and we'll help you get one - because we can't stay on alert for a Spin ID that doesn't exist yet!

Join Us on Facebook & Twitter!

Join us on Facebook and Twitter! Our Facebook page name is Spin ID Alert Service and can be reached here:
And our Twitter account name is SpinIDAlert and can be found here:!/SpinIDAlert
You can comment on us, too!

To become a member of the Spin ID Alert Service: Click Here
or Copy & Paste this URL into your browser:

We call you when you win!

Become a Member Today!

Become a member of so we can call you when you win!  The Spin ID Alert Service provides constant monitoring of Wheel of Fortune shows so that we can notify YOU if your Spin ID ever pops up!
We are always "On Duty" watching for you. We even monitor the Saturday shows that some of you do not see.  We call you when your number is selected, and help you claim your prize.  Don't miss your free vacation just because you miss the show.  Prize trips range in value from around $5,000 - $10,000+ and if you are an Active
Sony Credit Card holder you can win an extra $50,000 from Sonycard! 
Once we notify you that your ID was picked, you just log into your account, on the website, and claim your prize.  You will be able to relax and know that someone is on your side watching for you!  If you do not yet have an official Spin ID, go to to get one now.  From there, you can visit to sign up for the Spin ID Alert Service.

WOF's Traveling Spokeswedge

Have you checked out Wheel of Fortune’s traveling Spokeswedge?
He’s on his way around the country and he could be in your backyard! Check him out on Wheel of Fortune’s website:

To view the rest of this post, visit the Spin ID Alert Service website and become a Member.  Then you can visit the Members Only blog for all the info you could ever need on Wheel of Fortune & Wheel Spin IDs!

New Member Request Form

An important update for Spin ID Alert Service Members: Here at the Spin ID Alert Service we’ve added a NEW Member Request form for all of you who would like to get to know your fellow members a little better, or to request help with something. Click on the Members Help Members link and start requesting now! How does it work, you ask?
Visit the link to find out:

To become a member of the Spin ID Alert Service and use this feature: Click Here
or Copy & Paste this URL into your browser:

We call you when you win!